Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Just a little update

Since my last post. . . which was a little over 2 months ago, a lot has been going on! I had surgery, it went well. I'm just about back to 100%. I will admit, have been struggling to keep up with all the incoming project requests, while trying to take care of my family during my recovery. It's been quite interesting at times! I have actually been very busy, churning out invitation designs left and right! Thanks to all of you that have been patient with me and my slower than normal turn-around.

I would like to take this time to remind you that I prefer to have your invitation order at least a month in advance, that is a month before you need to mail them- not a month before the event. I have a running waiting list at this time. As soon as I get your email with ALL of your event information including any pictures you want to use, I add your name to the list. And I work down the list in the order I receive them.

As the holiday's approach things are going to be getting even busier, my schedule will be like most of yours- absolutely crammed full! I will try my best to  accommodate your requests, but please remember that I am a full-time working mom and my family and personal life do dictate the length of time that I have to work on projects.  Thanks in advance for understanding!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Baby Boy Blue & Green Elephant Shower

Cupcake Toppers and decorative circles

Justus elephants  cupcake toppers copy

Sign In Sheet

Justus elephants sign in sheet copy

Hunting Themed Invitations!

Man! I have been doing A LOT of these type of photo invites lately. On average I probably do 3-4 a month, but here lately I have done so many I have lost count! Here are some favorites!

Gerhards 80th copy

Bill's 40th copy

CaseKelly copy

Edwin deer b-day copy

Monday, August 8, 2011

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Sweet Baby Girl ~ Shower Invitations

Inspired by the Lily Baby Bedding from Pottery Barn!

Kayla copy

back copy

Monday, July 11, 2011

Modern Construction Party Invitations

I can’t believe that my BABY is 2?! He, like most boys, is all about tractors and big machines that make LOTS of noise! So a construction party theme was a given. . .I think these turned out pretty cute. . .

stratton2 -2

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Little Monkey 1st Birthday Invitations

My nephew Archer is such a cutie pie! I can't believe he is a year old! His party was really cute! The invitations were designed to match the plates and napkins. His mom and dad call him "Little Monkey" all the time, so it was fitting that he had a Monkey themed party! I think I did a pretty good job replicating the monkeys (see the pic of the party supplies below)!


Archer invite copy


Archer invitback copy 43942

SATC Invitations and Cocktail Menus

This is still by far my most popular design. I get requests for it on a weekly basis.  It's such a fun theme, no wonder it's a best seller!

lingerie shower.Amisha copy

For this particular project we did the back in zebra. . .

asmaback copy

Which coordinated with the SATC Cocktail Menus. . .

SATC Cocktails copy

How fun is that?? I love all the PINK!

Butterfly birthday invitations

Frontmyla2 copy


myla2back copy

Bright 1st birthday invitations

laney1 copy

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Pirate Birthday Party Invitations

jace4 copy

Bootie Call~ Couples baby shower!

We hosted a couples baby shower for some of our best friends back in November and had a blast! I got the color scheme from some napkins I found at Target! I tell you inspiration is everywhere!  Fall is my favorite time of year, so it wasn't hard to decorate for this fall colored party! I have to admit I LOVE these invitations. They were a folded design and turned out really cute and pretty funny!


couples shower front copy

Inside Left

couples shower inside left copy

Inside Right

couples shower inside copy

IMG_3530 IMG_3532IMG_3535IMG_3536

Amazing cookies by my OH SO TALENTED aunt. . . they matched the invitations exactly! Please go look at her awesome Cookie Art you will be blow away!  


Custom Sports Theme Invitations

sportsbday copy

Elegant Pink, Green, Turquoise and Chocolate Baby shower invitations and party accessories


hannahwarrenfancy copy


hannahwarrenfancyback copy

Decorative Circles

Large Decorative circles copy

Cupcake Baby Shower invitations

Hannahwarrenfun copy

Train cards and labels

Return address labels:

Dane Johnson Labels copy

Folded enclosure cards : Great new size! About the same dimensions as a business card. . .

DaneFoldedBC-Front copy2

Folded Note cardsDaneJohnsonNotesFront copy

Double baby girl shower invites


Just too cute not to share!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Fabulous {PINK} ornate birthday invitations

This is also the  debut of one of my new products! Laser cut invitations! This is the "Luxe Ornate" ~ It's fabulous, right??!  Wanna be the first of you friends to have this over-the-top invitation design??  Just email me for pricing and more info!


5x7 Ornate copy


klaire back copy

Girls Day Out~ Bachelorette Weekend Invitation

5x7 Ornate proof

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

New logo and new look!

new blog header copy

Whatcha think?? Still VERY pink, of course!!

This is what I did on my most recent snow day!!  I have been wanting to update my dp blog and create a new logo and that is just what I did! Don't ya just love getting something accomplished that you have been putting off for forever?! I have a new blog button too, if you want to link me to your blog! Just email me and I will send it to you!

I also have a whole bunch of new products to offer! More info coming soon! [But email if you are interested now!] All kinds of new sizes and formats for cards and invitations, including 5x5 squares, circles, and scalloped edged! Stickers, bookmarks, books, programs and so much more!!  I'm so excited!!

Anni & Krish wedding monogram

{monogram design proposals}

Anni&Krish2 copy

{chosen design & colors}

K&A MG~PinkandOrange copy


Thanks Anni! It was so nice working with you! I hope you have a beautiful wedding in India!

Custom blog headers and backgrounds

I am expanding my digital products to now include custom blog headers and coordinating backgrounds! Please email me for more information and pricing!



vaught blog bkgr copy




blog bkgr copy